
bedewing:結露 fungi:菌類 assume ignorance:知らないふりをする

3 type of fungi

The day that cleaning of our house is day off. Today is our day off. We cleaned up our house.Usually we vacuum clean on the carpet, wipe on the floor, then sometimes we clean up under the sink and clean up bathroom. We have done all of the…

widow:未亡人 emotional damage:心の傷 comfort:快適さ、心地よさ、安らぎ grief:悲しみ、深い苦悩、嘆き simplicity:無邪気、単純、簡単、容易 individual:本人、個人、特定の人 adopted as:養子にする

Finding Neverland

The story which is the author of Peter Pan. The author who is James Mattew Barrie was played by Johnny Depp. I have seen first time acting of Johnny Depp who like regular parson. I have known acting of Johnny Depp who not regular parson ro…

enjoyable:楽しめる、楽しい continuously:連続して、引き続き、続けて figure:姿、形、形態、外観 drunk:酔っぱらい、酔っぱらった feminal:女性的な jokes around:からかう、ふざけてばかりいる、悪のりをする、冗談を飛ばす seriousness:本気、真…

Pirates of Caribbean & Dead Man's Chest

Pirates of Caribbean is one of Disney movie. It's adventure move. I watched Pirates of Caribbean at a theater which part 1 of the series. Then I lent Dead Man's Chest which part 2 of the series from lent the DVD shop. It was enjoyable movi…

go through:味わう although:だけれども come up:発見する

Going through a salt caramel chocolate

I love sweet things. My husband bought a chocolate which taste salt caramel. If I see like salt caramel chocolate maybe I'm not gonna buy it. Although it was so good! Taste like maple syrup. I couldn't image it from salt caramel chocolate.…

Beginning of a funny day.

My office has rule which dress code. One of rule of dress code are shoes. You cannot ware sandals, because in past days there was happen that a woman fell down the stairs. Waring sandals is danger so you cannot ware it.Our boss said this m…

cause damage:損害を与える fall down:(仕事などに)失敗する、落ちる、ひっくり返る closely:親密に、接近して、念入りに give one's heart to:〜を励ます relaxed:ほのぼのした、くつろいだ、ゆったりした disperse:まき散らす、分散する


The story starting from Drew who caused damage ten hundreds million dollars much to him shoes company because he fallen down about design of shoes.He was been distance form his girl friend also, then he decided to kill himself. Instant he …

the verge of:目前に、直前に perspective:視点、観点、考え方 suffer:苦痛を感じる、病気をする、精神的に苦しむ Alzheimer's disease:アルツハイマー病 come through:通じる、伝わる、やり遂げる、約束を果たす drifted off into an eternal sleep:…

The Notebook

I like this movie witch pure love story. After a long time I've seen like pure love story. The story of Noah Calhoun and Allie, and they are teenagers they fall in love. They are separated for 17 years because her parents are not happy tha…

origin:源、期限、原点、視点、発生 custom:風習 Heian period:平安時代 Formerly:元は、昔は、以前は、かつては possessed:取り付かれた、所有していた、落ち着いた contain:〜を含む、〜が入っている、閉じ込める、阻止する trace:足跡、形跡、〜を…

Origin and customs of HINAMATSURI

The custom of displaying dolls began during the Heian period. Formerly, people believed the dolls possessed the power to contain bad spirits, and would thousand the owner.HINAMATSURI traces its origins to an ancient Japanese custom called …

Japanese Doll Festival

March 3rd is the Japanese Doll Festival. Mostly this Festival for the family which had a girl.My husband and I have shared house works. My part are cooking and laundry. His part are washing dishes and ironing. Then both of us have to go sh…

lean days:貧しい時代 grown up:成長する、育つ、大人になる asylum:保護施設、養育院 jump out :飛び出す、飛び出る managed to get to:何とか〜に着く、何とか〜到着する confederacy of thieves:窃盗団 pickpocket:すり wealthy:裕福な、お金持ち…

Oliver Twist

Movie hero's name is Oliver Twist who is 9 years old. Historical background is 19 century in England which was lean days . He has grown up at a asylum where is so horrible place. Even it's very hard to eat at the asylum and they have to wo…

opened up:開花する、心を開く、広げる、開始する、開発する flower bud:つぼみ、花芽 blooming:花の咲いた watering :水まき、水やり regularly:定期的に、一定の間隔で、普通は

At last opened up Million star

At last one of flower bud was blooming. I was waiting it. It flower's name is Million Star. I bought it at supermarket 2 years ago in winter. It was 150 yen. When I bought it which has a lot of flower bud, then it was all blooming pink. It…