
at some early date:近いうちに、遠からず at some time:そのうち、いつか face to face:向かい合って、直面して For a wonder:不思議なことに

A Happy Girlfriend

I went drinking with my co-workrs yesterday. One of them who quit a job last year, then she had been to Germany 3 months to meet her boy friend who is German guy. She is going to marry him at some early date.I heard her about getting to kn…

Stir-fried vegetables with spring rain

INGREDIENTS (4 servings) 1 chopped onions 1/2 chopped carrots 1/4 cabbages 1 bunch of spinach 1 teaspoons grated ginger 50g of spring rain 300g of chopped pork1 tablespoon cooking oil 1/2 tablespoon bean paste 1 tablespoon sweet cooking ri…

stir up:まぜる grow:栽培する spring rain:春雨 ingredient: 材料 bunch of spinach:一束のほうれん草 grated ginger:すりおろしたショウガ bean paste:味噌 sweet cooking rice wine:みりん instant bouillon:粉末だし

Inca potato

My husband has gotten "Inca potato" from his co-workers. Inca potato is kind of potatoes which from Peru. Looks is same as normal potatoes, but taste is excellent. It's very sweet, likes sweet potato or sweet chestnut. Inside of the potato…

Living nature of Tasmania

My most favorite place is Tasmania, Australia. There are some kind of exotic animal. Well known animal are Tasmanian devil, wombat, wallaby, echidna, platypus and they have already been extinct animal that is Tasmanian tiger.I have seen a …

living nature:生き物 exotic animal:珍しい動物 extinct:絶滅した mammals:ほ乳類 pouched animal/marsupial:有袋類 four-footed:四つ足の

historical background:時代背景、歴史背景 role:役、役目、役割 mental derangement:精神異常、精神障害 funnel:(資金などを)注ぎ込む、(情報などを)漏らす vast asset:膨大な遺産 fix:買収する morbid:病的 a morbid love of cleanliness:潔癖性 i…


I watched "Aviator" today. This film star is Leonardo DiCaprio. This film's historical background is 1920's which after World War 1. His role is crazy about airplane and he had gotmental derangement. He funnel to make a movie by his father…

Howard Robard Hughes

Howard Robard Hughes (December 24,1905 - April 5, 1976) was a pioneering American aviator, engineer,industrialist, and film producer. He was widely known as a playboy and one of the wealthiest people in the world. He is famous for setting …

Hearing time of English

Yesterday was 9 weeks and 5 days from start. Total hours is 315:05:28.

Asking one of my friend to go to dinner.

After a long time, I didn't work over time today. Actually there was renewal of a contract interview, so I finished 30 minutes later the office on time. I asked one of my friend to go to dinner, then we had a dinner togeher. Because my hus…

renewal of a contract interview : 更新面談 ask someone to go to dinner : 夕食に誘う complaint : 愚痴 actual condition :現状 hourly rate:時給 estimate:評価する

Hearing time of English

Yesterday was 9 weeks and 4 days form start. Tatal hours is 310:11:01.

Finding Podcast

I found interesting English Podcast. American guy introduce about Japan who live in Japan. The story move through from hisperspective about Japanese culture, food, area, life etc... He speaks very fast, because this Podcast for not Japanes…

move through:進む、進める perspective:観点、考え方、物の見方 on one occasion:ある時、かつて for a fact:確かに for this reason:だからこそ、こういう訳で、従って with enjoyment:楽しんで、面白く


Hearing time of English

I'll mark down my hearing time of English everyday. It's from 17th. Dec. 2006 to yesterday. My destination is 1000 hour a year. Yeaterday was 9 weeks and 3 days from start. Total hours is 305:10:30.

Blog Pet

There is "Blog pet" on my top of blog page. My "Blog Pet" name is Guru. She is very clever because she learn vocabulary from my diary. I hope she will speak English.First time she spoke only two words "zzz..." and "CYOTTO MATTENE" meaning …

aboriginal:先住民 central character:主人公 respond:〜に答える、反応する、応答する expectation:期待、予想、見込み reject:拒絶、拒否 impression:気持ち、印象、感想

Whale rider

We can lent a DVD 100 yen a week near my shop. It's so cheap I have ever lent. So nawadays I watched some movies. Also I want to listen in English and read English subtitles on movies. Some of the scene I'm able to understand but some of t…

Working overtime

In these days, it's so busy on my office. I thought I'll work overtime today too, so this morning I cooked flied rice for dinner. If I did overwork, I want to eat dinner as soon as possible after I arrived at home. Though I worked overtime…

Pretty Snowman

I took a pretty photos when I through near the government building of Hokkaido. There is big snow man in front of government building. It's pretty isn't? ♪I Love HOKKAIDO ♪Snowman

though : やっぱり、〜だけど

Reason of studing English hard

Last year I was crazy about Mixi, then I wrote diary it almost every day.That days I didn't want to study English. One day I study and learn English hard that's how I met a Japanese friend who speak English well.She hasn't been to another …

crazy about : 〜に夢中になっている