Asking one of my friend to go to dinner.

After a long time, I didn't work over time today. Actually there was renewal of a contract interview, so I finished 30 minutes later the office on time.

I asked one of my friend to go to dinner, then we had a dinner togeher. Because my husband will come back home at late night. It's been little bit long since I've gone to dinner together.

I ate hamburger with bread. This restaurant 's breads are so nice. Especially croissant which was very very nice. Only bread you can possibly eat. I couldn't eat a lot but I wanted more only croissant.

It was a nice time. We talked about our office like complaints and actual condition it. In these days it was so busy on our office, so we couldn't talk each other. We could feel refresh by talking this. We need like this refresh sometimes.

Well, my hourly rate will go up 20 yen per hour from next month. That is nice for me. I understood that my company estimated me. To work is not only money.