
historical background:時代背景、歴史背景 role:役、役目、役割 mental derangement:精神異常、精神障害 funnel:(資金などを)注ぎ込む、(情報などを)漏らす vast asset:膨大な遺産 fix:買収する morbid:病的 a morbid love of cleanliness:潔癖性 i…


I watched "Aviator" today. This film star is Leonardo DiCaprio. This film's historical background is 1920's which after World War 1. His role is crazy about airplane and he had gotmental derangement. He funnel to make a movie by his father…

Howard Robard Hughes

Howard Robard Hughes (December 24,1905 - April 5, 1976) was a pioneering American aviator, engineer,industrialist, and film producer. He was widely known as a playboy and one of the wealthiest people in the world. He is famous for setting …