Dreams Come True

New CD

We got new CDs! What a beautiful sound music box is!

Concert of Dreams Come True

There are concerts of Dreams Come True in this year. It's 20th-years anniversary after debuting this year. So It will become great concerts. I want to buy the tickets of the concert in Sapporo on 13th. and 14th. June. The release date is 2…

And I Love You

I bought a new album of Dreams Come True today. It will become especially special CD for me. When I was in hospital I heard them music so much. I don't know how much did it make me a lot of happy and bravery. I can hang tough after this. I…

Christmas Present from Dreams Come True

I got a mail from Mikarin. The mail with picture was a display of about Dreams Come True.Readily I went there to see the display after work. There were some costume they ware at them concerts and Christmas tree.Dreams Come True is special …

First snow of the season

It's snow today. It's so cold today. It's come the season. I remembered certain song when it's first snow. The song title is "HATSUYUKI". I'll try to change my mind from dislikable winter to favorite season on the song.I tried to translate…

New single

The song was released today. It was the concert that I listen the song for the first time. I was waiting to listen again from that time. The song move me to tears. I feel sad, when I imagine Miwa Yoshida who is vocalist of Dreams Come True…

My favorite singer

My favorite singer is "Dreams Come True". I have all most albums of them, but not everything. One of my friend is interested about them, then she rent some albums which I haven't one at CD shop. She was burned the CD for me then I've got f…

Go to the concert

I went to Dreams Come True concert. It was great day. Yoshida Miwa of vocalist wad born in Hokkaido. There were the concert where was born her. Also it was first concert during this years concert.I was so hearted, impressed and gotten a lo…

New song of Dreams Come True

I listened a new single of Dreams Come True. It was my favorite melody. It will be title song of the new Japanese movie which name is "only you hear it". It's same as name of song.If listen songs of Dreams Come True, I want to sing the son…

Wonderland 2007

I've got it! I've got tickets of Dreams Come True Wonderland 2007!! A year of Wonderland it's once in four years. I really wanted to go the concert.I've got one that August 4th, at Sapporo. I applied selling tickets in advance on Yahoo, th…