The Weather Man

Nicolas Cage is very suit with comedy. It was great "The Wether Man of Nicolas Cage" that he who was talked down and little bit feel abandoned. David who Nicolas played a caster of weather forecast on TV in Chicago. He realized uncertainty that make a forecast of weather.

He's got offer form famous TV morning program, however his life has been chaos. It was alienation from his children and his wife, his father who live away from him bounced back each other, even he's been throw some food from people on the road recently. It was really funny that his talk about the scene entering to the shop and the episode of tartar sauce.

Nicolas has already played like the character, it was so suit the character, and then the gray expression that made an effort to smile was exactly atmosphere of the movie.

Different from the hero who almost Hollywood movie, his wife did not always right things, but Nicolas did impressive movie this disgusted man.

ニコラス・ケイジのウェザーマン スペシャル・コレクターズ・エディション [DVD]

ニコラス・ケイジのウェザーマン スペシャル・コレクターズ・エディション [DVD]