DieHard 4.0

It's action movie. He is not able to die if he did any crazy thing, so I can watch be comfortable. I like that.

The situation of DieHard 1 and 2 were around christmas day. He was not good luck because all the time the happen occurred around christmas day but maybe he was good luck, because he alive.

This time part 4.0 is cyber terrorism. One of man who worked at police and he was not accepted his opinion, so he changed his mind to whip the police.

The man is the opponent of Bruce Willis. One fanboy guy was mixed up the cyber terrorism. Bruce willis was order to bring the fanboy guy to the police and he did. The time the happen occurred that all telephone line was out of order and was going to out of all electricity.

The cyber terrorism was going to hold up savings through hacking attack.

Of course Bruce Willis succeed of the intercept. He never give up and he will never die. That is good!