Apply to TOEIC

I applied TOEIC on web page. The date of the test is March 27th. 2007. There are about 2 and a half months leave.

From the end of last year I'm keeping to study English. I had listened some English Podcast, spoken English following English Podcast, watched some English speaking movies and written this blog in English.

I listen English immediate after getting up in the morning, till right before going to the bed, during cooking, cleaning up the room, washing up the laundry, and even talking with husband. I try to listen English all the time as possible I can.

Reason of listening English all the time that I try to refer English more than 3 hours a day. As of now I have been to keep.

I made the excel for hearing sheet of English. I'm using to count a day by ipod. It has function stopwatch. That's clever. So It's easy to count and recording. I have always got to have ipod.

My destination of score TOEIC is more 200 points than last score.

I'm not good at about "Hatena" that is this brog from. I serched about "English" on "Hatena", then I found the club which name is "?English" If I'd like to join this club I need to wirte the word "?English". Is this OK, isn't it?