The trigger that taking examination of breast cancer.

It might be on March this year, I had a lunch with K-cyan who is my co-worker. She have a lot of friends. I had a lunch with N-sun too who is one of K-cyan's friend.

I guess N-sun has child who is 20's years old, so maybe she is around 50 years old. She has beautiful smile.

She has been to take examination of breast cancer, she has just known the result it. She said "I'm happy because there is normal. Recently it is increasing breast cancer of young people. There were a lot of young people at hospital for taking examination of breast caner."

I was asked her about whether take examination, I said "I have never take it so I'll try to take." However I thought that nothing I am made breast cancer.

I didn't have interest about breast cancer until this time, and I thought that it is like somebody else's problem. I told my husband that we were talking about breast cancer at lunch time then I was intrigued it by the trigger.

However I didn't know that I have already made breast cancer.

Translation of following blog.