Breast Cancer

Choosing the hospital

Which hospital does work on breast cancer examination? What's kind of the examination? How much does it cost? I wonder that examination results available soon are. I have a lot of questions.It's better to find well-received hospital and it…

Felt stiff on my right breast

I felt itchy on the line of brassiere, then I scratched. What's this? There were two stiff under my right breast which smaller than pachinko ball.For a beat, flashing through my mind that the ward "breast cancer" .I checked on the website …

The trigger that taking examination of breast cancer.

It might be on March this year, I had a lunch with K-cyan who is my co-worker. She have a lot of friends. I had a lunch with N-sun too who is one of K-cyan's friend.I guess N-sun has child who is 20's years old, so maybe she is around 50 y…

Just started new blog

I've just started new blog which contents is my breast cancer story. Blog title is "Positive Hiyori". Please see follow URL, actuality all in Japanese.Positive Hiyori'll write about my breast cancer story, deta…