Choosing the hospital

Which hospital does work on breast cancer examination? What's kind of the examination? How much does it cost? I wonder that examination results available soon are. I have a lot of questions.

It's better to find well-received hospital and it has better be near my house. I wonder that whether there well-received hospital is in Sapporo where I live.

I searched on the internet. I thought any hospital has own homepage in this period but hospitals which has own homepage was a few. I found the homepage which is "Mayu and you. Living peach with breast cancer on 20's ". It was written by 20's lady. In addition, there were some hospital which work breast cancer examination in Sapporo but I decided this hospital because I red the homepage which was written about the hospital and doctors by 20's lady.

The name of the hospital is "Clinic glandula mammaria surgery Sapporo". I will have been hear reputations of the doctors from the patient who have come to be on a friend during I'm in the hospital. Absolutely their operations are very well, and mental health care too.

I called the hospital next day, then ask the cost. It depend on the content of examination. It will be about 3 or 4,000 yen. I searched another hospital on the internet, it will be about 8,000 yen. I guess it depend on the hospital and examination. It doesn't need an appointment , so I decided to go to the hospital 30th. May of next my day off.

Translation of following the blog.